Essays on the Sociology of Perception

Essays on the Sociology of Perception
Par:Mary Douglas
Publié le 2013-10-16 par Routledge

First published in 1982, this is one of Mary Douglas' favourite books. It is based on her meetings with friends in which they attempt to apply the grip/group analysis from Natural Symbols. The essays have been important texts for preparing grid/group exercises ever since. She is still trying to improve the argument of Natural Symbols and is always hoping to find better applications to illustrate the power of the two dimensions used for accurate comparison.

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ID de livre de Essays on the Sociology of Perception's Les livres sont BZ1TAQAAQBAJ, Livre écrit parMary Douglasavec ETAG "r+dulVjZ9tg"

Livre publié par Routledge depuis 2013-10-16 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781134557509 et ISBN 10 Code est 1134557507

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Essays on the Sociology of Perception

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